
Dogs With Jobs | The Competitive Game of Four-Legged Heroes

Created by Lab 380

Recruit a team of working canines in this high-stakes game for 2-5 players.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Odd Job Voting | Unlocked Custom Insert
2 months ago – Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 10:45:54 AM


  • Vote on the final odd job card by commenting on this update with either an (A) or (B)
  • Unlocked custom box insert
  • More stretch goals on the horizon

Vote On Odd Job Dog

It’s time!!! The decision on the Defense Odd Job is up to you all! Shout out to the backers who pitched these ideas. They really stuck out to us! Check out the contenders below and cast your vote by simply commenting on this update with either an (A) of (B). One vote per backer please!

(A) Paratrooper 🪂

During World War II, paratrooper dogs were trained for a unique role in airborne operations, parachuting alongside their human counterparts to assist in reconnaissance and communications! These highly specialized dogs were equipped with miniature parachutes and harnesses, ensuring they could safely deploy from aircraft. Their bravery and skills contributed to various missions, proving that even canine companions could play a huge role in wartime efforts!

(B) Penguin Protector 🐧

Maremma guardian dogs play a crucial role in protecting endangered penguins on the coast of Australia by patrolling their nesting sites and deterring potential predators like foxes and cats! These loyal and vigilant dogs are specially trained to coexist with the penguins, creating a protective barrier around their habitats without disturbing their natural behaviors. Their presence has been instrumental in reducing predation and increasing the survival rates of the penguin populations they guard!

Unlocked Custom Insert

Just halfway into the campaign, you all already unlocked almost every stretch goal! This next one adds a custom vacuum form insert into every box. It'll help keep all of your components organized and as a nice little touch, includes a debossed Dogs With Jobs logo. The insert has room for all base game cards, the Odd Jobs and Gear expansions, and even with all of your cards sleeved!

Unleash The New Gear Cards! ⚙️🔥

The next stretch goal is just around the corner and we predict you all will secure that one as well! With that in mind, look out for additional stretch goals added to the campaign! 👀

We appreciate you all.

John and the Lab 380 Team 💫

Easter Egg Hunt | Unlocked Score Pad | How To Play Video
3 months ago – Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 05:00:58 AM


  • Easter Egg Hunt: Answer the question below to get a free copy of Dogs With Jobs added to your order
  • $50K Unlocked Stretch Goal: Score Pad
  • New How To Play video 
  • Mini Posters included in add-on section

Soooo... when our team was developing the art for this game, we had a really fun idea to plant easter eggs in each of the illustrations. After some workshopping, tweaking, and ultimately running into road blocks, we decided it just wasn't working. That being said.... we did leave one in.....

If you can find it and be the first backer to post the answer to the question below, we'll add a free copy of Dogs With Jobs to your order! Give it to your friend who is a die-hard cat person. Give it to your co-worker who has way too many dogs at home. Or stash it in your game collection so you have a pristine copy you can brag about when you retire. It's up to you 😉 Add your answers here in the comment section of this update!

Question: Where is Kyra headed?

Over $50,000 Raised + Unlocked Stretch Goal!

You all have unlocked another stretch goal! The score pad! It's an added little bonus that helps you keep track of your scores from game to game. In our group, we always play multiple games of DWJ. Not just because we're battle testing game play, but because we're all hungry for at least 1 win! It'll be about the same size as the playing cards (2.5"x3.5") and contain 50 double sided sheets.

How To Play Video

Watching a video is honestly the easiest way for me to learn a game. Some people prefer reading the rulebook. Others enjoy having someone teach them. So now you can choose whatever suits you best! It's pretty comprehensive, but moves quickly and teaches you everything you need to know in under 5 minutes. Go give it a watch!

Mini Posters Listed In Add-On Section

A few of you have asked about grabbing more copies of the mini posters we offered in the first 48hrs of the campaign! Now ya can! They're available as an add-on if you'd like to get some more with your reward 🐩

Boop The Snoot ✨

If you have a doggo at home, go give them a boop on the snoot. I hear it's good luck for the Dogs With Jobs campaign. On to the next stretch goal!

We appreciate each and every one of you.

John and the Lab 380 Team 💫

P.S. Your stories in the comments continue to brighten our days ❤️🐾


Dogs With Jobs | Over 620% Funded in 24 hrs!
3 months ago – Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 05:12:04 AM

TL;DR ( I like this at the top 😂)

  • Big thank you! Dogs With Jobs is over 620% funded
  • 2 stretch goals unlocked! Linen finishes + foil stamped Team Leader card.
  • Keep the companion stories coming. We’re reading and keeping track of EVERY SINGLE ONE. Spreadsheets for the win!
  • Comment here to let us know what stretch goal and add-on ideas you have!

A Spectacular Day 1!

John here. Waking up at 5am (quite unusual for me) and our oldest dog Tobhi (Toby) is restlessly pacing around. She’s blind and a bit grumpy in her old age. I then panicked, realizing the word “competitive” had been misspelled at the top of the campaign page this entire time. Then, while typing this exact message (see line above about 5am) I remembered today is my birthday… 

Anyways. I wanted to wait a full day before sending out the 1st official update. So here it is!

Over 620% Funded

At this moment, Dogs With Jobs is over 620% funded!!! You all did that. It’s so cool to see how quickly everyone poured in their pledges, asked great questions, and how you shared stories of your own dogs in the comments! All of this additional funding is going to help make Dogs With Jobs better and better and I know the team and I can’t wait to see what happens over the next month. So let’s get to specifics…

2 Stretch Goals Unlocked

You all unlocked 2 stretch goals on day 1! The cards now have a super satisfying linen finish. It’s a wonderfully tactile, dotted grid finish that’s used in the games Parks and Wingspan. If you have those games, go grab the cards and remind yourself how nice they feel. The Team Leader card will now also be upgraded with foil stamping! The idea behind this was to increase that little feeling of pride when it’s dealt to you and have a brief moment of power. Haha.

Companion Card

YOUR COMPANION STORIES. They are SO GOOD. Yes, our team is actively reading EVERY SINGLE ONE. We’re taking them and adding our notes to a hyper organized spreadsheet so we can keep track of everyone’s submissions! Shout out to Felix Wright who started his story with (For the Kickstarter Competition). You’re a genius and that has really helped us tackle these while also making sure all game related questions are answered. So everyone please keep them coming! They really made launch day a billion times more special.

Mini Posters

There are still roughly 24 hrs left to get the bonus mini posters! So share the page with other dog lovers in your life so they can get them too! I don’t know if we’ll be able to offer these afterward. 

Comment With Add-On/Stretch Goal Ideas

Lastly… pleeeaaseee. Comment on this update to let us know what additional stretch goals or add-ons you might like to see. We want to make sure we’re adding value with things you'll ACTUALLY WANT. Someone mentioned DWJ (loving the use of the acronym btw) custom card sleeves. Great idea!

Onward! 🦮

Keep sharing the page, telling us your stories, and asking questions. The vibes have been spectacular. We greatly appreciate all of you for helping to bring Dogs With Jobs to life!

John and the Lab 380 team 🤍

P.S. Please… don’t excuse typos. Call it out 😂

Tobhi 👇🐾 An oldie but a goodie